To My Haters

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Inside: 5 Easy Tips to Silence Your Haters For Good.

Your lips keep moving but all I hear is, 'Blah, blah, blah.' 126. Your family tree must be a cactus because everyone on it is a prick. I'd love to give you a nasty look but it appears you already have one. Did you know they used to be called ‘jumpolines until your mum jumped on one? Your only purpose in life is as an. I've seen more online fights, disagreements, and hatred this year than at any other time in my life. Heck, we're posting fishing tips and even those somehow attract haters! The good news is that there is a way to disarm the haters (and even make the world a better place in the meantime). How To Disarm Your Haters PODCAST. Dear haters, I am sure there are many people who want to say many things to you. Sadly, these people lacked the courage to speak their minds. And maybe that's a result of your comments. Use that momentum to drown out the voices in your head that haters put there (or tried to). Get comfortable in your own skin and forge ahead. Haters be damned.

Regardless of how you choose to live your life, you will encounter haters everywhere. For whatever reason, haters dump their insecurity, fear, and negativity on you in an attempt to mask their feelings while attempting to make themselves feel better. The hater wants to drag you down in their misery, but I say prove them wrong. Haters can't stand seeing the success of others.

You see cases like this every single day. People saying 'your business will never succeed', 'Why are you even bothering to lose weight? You're just going to gain it back again like you always do'. This type of talk is what haters use to judge you in an attempt to belittle your thoughts and actions.

There will always be someone in your life waiting for you to fail, but what makes the hater different is they are vocal about their desire to see you fail, and they have no problem telling you or others. Anybody who has achieved any level of success in their life has dealt with haters. If you'd like to stifle your haters and prove them wrong then here are 5 ways to start!

It's time to realize you can't please everyone

Life becomes so much better when you realize that you can't please everyone in life. Unhappy people will always exist no matter how hard you try. Those unhappy people are most likely not just unhappy with you but unhappy with life in general. Their unhappiness has nothing to do with you. They merely take out their anger on you and let in manifest into a hater mentality.

In the end, your goal should be to please yourself and not worry so much about everyone else. Don't give up on who you are and what your goals are to try to please others. Stay your course.

Don't lower yourself just ignore them!

9 times out of 10, the behavior that a hater has toward you has nothing to do with you but everything to do with them. They can't take the fact that you are doing well or garnering attention, so they think that by acting out against they will create attention for themselves. For this reason, you should not lower yourself to their level but instead, ignore them.


How many times have you logged on to a social media account and witnessed some verbal lashing in a series of tweets? Social media has provided regular people the opportunity to interact with famous people, but this interaction sometimes becomes hateful. Insults are slung back are forth while the conversation goes nowhere all the while drawing attention to the hater feeding their ego. 'Look at me, look at me'!

Give them attention, and their ego will grow but ignore them, and they will go away. The media uses this technique nowadays more than ever before. Remember those kids in cages at the border? Whatever happened to them? For a short time, those caged children were a gigantic issue, but once our attention wained, the media moved on to something else. Social media works in the same manner. Trending topics appear at the top of your feed to keep the story alive and to keep us 'feeding the beast'.

We can't possibly pay attention to everything that crosses our paths in life. Give attention to what you see as essential, and don't waste your time on foolish back and forth. Instead, smile and walk away.

Learn from them

Every moment in your life is a lesson, and we can always find a takeaway. It may be challenging to look past the hate spewed your way, but if you peel back the layers and examine the situation in greater detail, you may reveal a lesson. The lesson may come from the way the other person is thinkingor perhaps a manner in which they act, which you most surely want to avoid in the future.

Upon further review, you may be able to learn a bit about yourself based on others' behavior towards you. Consequently, use their hate to fuel you to do better.

To My Haters

How many times have you logged on to a social media account and witnessed some verbal lashing in a series of tweets? Social media has provided regular people the opportunity to interact with famous people, but this interaction sometimes becomes hateful. Insults are slung back are forth while the conversation goes nowhere all the while drawing attention to the hater feeding their ego. 'Look at me, look at me'!

Give them attention, and their ego will grow but ignore them, and they will go away. The media uses this technique nowadays more than ever before. Remember those kids in cages at the border? Whatever happened to them? For a short time, those caged children were a gigantic issue, but once our attention wained, the media moved on to something else. Social media works in the same manner. Trending topics appear at the top of your feed to keep the story alive and to keep us 'feeding the beast'.

We can't possibly pay attention to everything that crosses our paths in life. Give attention to what you see as essential, and don't waste your time on foolish back and forth. Instead, smile and walk away.

Learn from them

Every moment in your life is a lesson, and we can always find a takeaway. It may be challenging to look past the hate spewed your way, but if you peel back the layers and examine the situation in greater detail, you may reveal a lesson. The lesson may come from the way the other person is thinkingor perhaps a manner in which they act, which you most surely want to avoid in the future.

Upon further review, you may be able to learn a bit about yourself based on others' behavior towards you. Consequently, use their hate to fuel you to do better.

You are important

People will not 'hate on you' unless you are doing something right. People don't hate nobodies. They hate successful people and those more successful than them. People who stand for something typically receive a lot of hate as do winners. As a NY Yankees fan I can fully attest to the haters! Wear your haters like a badge of honor. If you weren't doing something right, they wouldn't be trying to grab your attention and bring you down.

Use their hate to motivate you to do even better.

Maintain focus

Whatever gets thrown your way in the form of hate or doubt, disregard it, stay the course and focus. The amount of successful people in life who were told they aren't good enough or smart enough to succeed is staggering. People who have time to comment on you aren't spending enough time worrying about themselves. The better you do in life, the louder the volume of the people against you. Don't waste precious time and energy in your day battling against haters. Energy wasted can be better spent on reaching your goals and dreams.

If you want to silence your haters and prove people wrong in the process, then follow these 5 tips above. It's vital to keep your eye on the prize at all times and don't lose focus for a second. Even though you might have people cheering for you fail, many others want you to succeed and achieve your dreams. Use others' doubt and negativity to propel you forward instead of drag you down. How satisfied will you feel in the end when you've achieved your goal while the naysayers are watching and waiting? I can tell you it will feel pretty good!

Do you have haters in your life? How do you try to prove them wrong? Let me know in the comments below and take a minute to join our mailing list for weekly recaps.

Ghetto Quotes To My Haters

  1. Donna west on March 3, 2020 at 1:13 pm

    Haters try to grab hold of a spot in your life. They 'hate' being ignored. They try to fuel others to join them in this endeavor. Ignoring them is extremely difficult to accomplish, but is such good advice.
    Why give them a place in our daily walk? Why validate them by giving them an audience? They feed on the back and forth interactions with you.
    Why even think you could ever please them? Don't try! This surely is not your goal in life.
    Your life focus is not their hatred. Your focus is on your goals.
    Stay your coarse and eventually haters will move on to greener fields.


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